- Who earns more? Employed or Self Employed Physicians
- Which specialty is the earning leader in 2014?
- Which physicians feel most failry compensated?
- Who spends more than 40 hours per week seeing patients?
Short Summary of Medscape's 2014 Physician Compensation Report
- Self Employed physicians earning $53,000 more than employed physicians
- Slight increase among primary care physicians, which could reflect early changes in reimbursement resulting from the Affordable Care Act
- 52% of primary care physicians do not feel fairly compensated
- 24% of physicians are participating in an ACO, 10% are not but plan to be this year
- Participation in concierge practices increased from 1% to 3%.
- About 72% of respondents to this survey regularly or occasionally discuss the cost of treatment with patients. This has gone up from 68% in 2012.
- In this year's survey, 50% of primary care respondents said they spent 16 minutes or less with patients and about 48% spent more than 17 minutes, compared with last year's 55% and 42%, respectively, which suggest that patients may be getting slightly more attention from their PCPs this year.
- 35% of employed physicians spend at least 10 hours a week on paperwork compared with 26% of the self-employed
- The most satisfied physicians were dermatologists (65%) and then psychiatrists (58%) -- a large gap between first and second place. The least satisfied, from the bottom up, were plastic surgeons (45%) and then neurologists and internists (47%).
- Over half (53%) of physicians who responded to the Medscape survey were still not sure about whether they would participate in health insurance exchanges, while 20% said that they wouldn't and only 27% said that they would.
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Click here to view the complete Medscape Physician Compensation Report 2014
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